Thursday, February 12, 2009

You know you've been unemployed for WAY too long when...

1. you don't want to leave your computer to go pee because you might miss something....on the internet

2. you see BF sign off of his work IM screen name and think "shit, I should probably put on some real clothes & brush my teeth!"

3. ...and 20 minutes later you finally jump up and start doing that.

4. you become a pro at washing the dishes, throwing out the trash, cleaning the litter box, sweeping the floors, dusting, vacuuming, and making the bed in under 15 minutes.

5. you update facebook/twitter/blogger/etc. at least every 30 minutes.

6. you also refreshed each of the above mentioned networks every 5 minutes to see is anyone responded to your updates…and you kinda feel betrayed when they haven’t.

7. you finally catch up on everything in your Google reader....

8. and panic because that means you might have to leave your computer!

9. you consider canceling lunch/dinner/breakfast dates because it would interfere with your blogging/facebook watching schedule

10. you start eating and drinking in the kitchen over the sink to avoid creating more dirty dishes (that would royally interfere with your 5pm cleanup routine)

11. expiration dates become suggestions ....

12. and you fill the empty fruit bowl in the kitchen with decorative yarn balls to avoid going to the grocery store.

13. you forget how to remove the gas cap because you haven't had to pump gas in about 8 weeks...

14. and sometimes you just forget how to drive altogether.

Now, I am not saying I am guilty of all these things...

But then again I'm not saying I'm not guilty of all of these either.....

What do you find yourself doing when unemployed (or just massively bored/unmotivated)?


(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

I start to panic when I don't have at least 2 episodes of each CSI on my DVR at all times : )