Friday, February 6, 2009

Boots! I want these boots!

On the heels of my debt journey divulging post...

I found these boots this morning on Think Classy and I think I am withering away by the minute here trying to figure out how to justify spending $350 on a pair of boots that are EVERYTHING I want in brown boots....



Bridget said...

Sell on Ebay.
Ask momma or daddy ("But I've been sooo good lately haha")
Use your credit card
Take on an extra side job

OKay...some are more likely than others to become a reality but trust me, you NEED them. I am wearing them right now as I type. They're amazing. I've worn them since 8 am this morning and it's now nearly 4 pm and my feet do not hurt at all.


I know I so did not help with you justification issue.

Love, Fitness, Money, More said...

Actually, You totally helped. I have a giant "Ebay" pile sitting under my desk that I've been too lazy to tackle. These boots are the perfect inspiration! Done and done! You rock!