Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Credit Cards are EVIL

I finally pulled myself out of my financial denial yesterday and went over my credit card bills. I was making payments, but since becoming unemployed I've carefully ignored everything else on the bills, to maintain sanity. I know that's not the wisest thing. But I wasn't too worried, I haven't used my cards for anything other than auto payment for my gym membership and Starbucks card (yeah, this one's BF's fault, I'll explain later).

Back to the point...

I pulled myself out of my "ignorance is bliss" state yesterday and discovered that the APR on my CCs has suddenly skyrocketed! (I should have listened to the Consumerist's warnings) For that last 2 months, I have been paying a whopping $250/month in finance charges!!!!! That's double my usual $125. And considering that my balances have stayed steady since October, it's just enraging!

Now I know, I suppose it wouldn't have helped much to know sooner. I am not going to attempt another credit application just to get 0% and I can't throw a large chunk of money at the thing until I have a dependable income again.

I made a plan, I can be completely credit card debt free within 8 months of my first paycheck.

Now, it's time to study for my interview so I can get that paycheck!!!