1. FINALLY having some interviews. Not 100% sure on how these will pan out but at least I am finally getting some positive responses and meeting. Much needed ego-boost!
2. Big city career fashion. The power of a great pair of slacks, crisp collared shirt, funky yet professional heels and a black belted trench is so awesome. I love it, I miss it, I WANT it. It's been so refreshing to suit up and walk the SF financial district between interviews. I felt human again.
3. Feeling wonderfully sore. I exercise A LOT, so I rarely feel much soreness anymore. Since last Thursday, however, I've taking a few new athletic conditioning classes and man have I felt them! I love that "proof" of physical improvement.
4. Playing relationship counselor. I'm honored to be asked to be someone's ear and shoulder in trying times. Even more, I am absolutely flattered to be asked for advice. And most thrilling - realizing just how much BF and I have grown and how much I've learned about successful relationships and all that goes into them. I feel blessed.
5. Playing phone tag with the baby sis. Yes, I would love to actually talk to her, but the tag is fun too. We always leave each other goofy messages back and forth; they make my day.
6. My kitties. I just want to squeeze them, and pinch them, and hug them, and dance with them, and baby talk them.....yeah, I know, it's really torture to them (and BF). But they are just so darn cute and loving; I can't help it!
7. Pasghetti.....mmmmm
8. TV time with BF...now! Yay!
Toodles! :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Things I like today....
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 9:44 PM 2 comments
Labels: life
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Turkey Stuffed Pepper Recipe! (& other stuffs)
I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
I've been inspired by SmarterFitter Blog and decided that, beginning Monday, I will start a photo food diary. I will not torture you all with it here since I do not have awesomely great photography skills or super sleek tableware. I may post the occasional item in my blog, of course, but I will mostly just use a flickr feed in my sidebar so you can click through at your own risk ;-)
I also have this DELICIOUS turkey stuffed pepper recipe. I made mine in a crock pot, but you can just do it on the stove by simmering at low/medium heat for about an hour (this is my understanding anyway).
Here goes:
Please note I have a 5.5-6Qt oval crockpot and made 6 stuffed peppers. So if yours is smaller adjust accordingly (modified from here with some tips from a close friend)
6 Bell Peppers (any color)
1 (1-1.25lbs) Package Lean/XtraLean Ground Turkey
1 cup cooked rice (i used instant brown rice)
1 can of tomatoes - any kind
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce (optional)
1 jar pasta sauce
1/2 small/medium onion (finely chopped)
some carrots(grated)
celery (finely chopped)
clove of garlic
any misc veggies you want to use up (finely chopped)
salt, pepper, garlic powder(optional) to taste
carefully cut off the tops of the peppers and clean them out, keeping the tops
Chop and brown onions, carrots, garlic
Lightly brown the turkey (optional, I am paranoid about poultry)
Combine everything EXCEPT 1/2 jar of pasta sauce and the bell peppers
Stuff the peppers
Nestle them in the crock pot (no tops yet)
Pour remaining pasta sauce over the top letting it spill over into the crock pot
Put on the tops (cute and they add a bit more flavor)
Add approx 1/3 cup water to the crock pot (not to the peppers)
Cook on low for 6-8 hours (about 6.5 was perfect when I did them)
You'll probably have some stuffing left over, i just sauteed it all and ate it up, it was delish!
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Shop Attack!!
Banned from Whole Foods...
by myself.
I went to Whole Foods for a quick bite of sushi... and came out with a *bit* extra
Bagelettes - I questioned "how often am I able to finish an entire bagel without passing out from a carb-induced coma?!!? Not often!" Unless I am thoroughly hungover, a full bagel makes me feel slugish and stuffed. So, the bageletts are the perfect solution! Throw on a dab of peanut butter and maybe a slice of apple or banana and voila! A balanced, yummy, and well portioned breakfast...mmmmm
Raspberry Tea Scones - no justification. I wanted them... considered for a brief minute whether I needed them or not... decided I didn't, and then put them in my basket anyways! DONE!
Brownies - I got myself the scones so the chocoholic BF of mine deserves a treat too, right?
Sushi - Well, that's what I came for!
So, $35 and lots of unneeded calories later I decided that I am banning myself from Whole Foods until I can keep my addiction to delicious organic snacks in check.
Job Hunt Wish List
Things I decided I will treat myself to once I acquire an awesome job!
1. Boots! I know I originally wanted these. And, while those are still quite enticing, they are just a bit too pricey for me. Plus, I really prefer flats that I can dress up or down easily. These luscious Born boots are perfect in price, look, and functionality!

5. Adidas and Kyodan workout clothes that don't make my bottom look like it's been suddenly deflated. (believe me, I have a A LOT of bum naturally, so I am not comfortable looking flat in that area)
I think I have a pretty reasonable list here.
Now if I can only get that job!!
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 2:52 PM 8 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
You know you've been unemployed for WAY too long when...
1. you don't want to leave your computer to go pee because you might miss something....on the internet
2. you see BF sign off of his work IM screen name and think "shit, I should probably put on some real clothes & brush my teeth!"
3. ...and 20 minutes later you finally jump up and start doing that.
4. you become a pro at washing the dishes, throwing out the trash, cleaning the litter box, sweeping the floors, dusting, vacuuming, and making the bed in under 15 minutes.
5. you update facebook/twitter/blogger/etc. at least every 30 minutes.
6. you also refreshed each of the above mentioned networks every 5 minutes to see is anyone responded to your updates…and you kinda feel betrayed when they haven’t.
7. you finally catch up on everything in your Google reader....
8. and panic because that means you might have to leave your computer!
9. you consider canceling lunch/dinner/breakfast dates because it would interfere with your blogging/facebook watching schedule
10. you start eating and drinking in the kitchen over the sink to avoid creating more dirty dishes (that would royally interfere with your 5pm cleanup routine)
11. expiration dates become suggestions ....
12. and you fill the empty fruit bowl in the kitchen with decorative yarn balls to avoid going to the grocery store.
13. you forget how to remove the gas cap because you haven't had to pump gas in about 8 weeks...
14. and sometimes you just forget how to drive altogether.
Now, I am not saying I am guilty of all these things...
But then again I'm not saying I'm not guilty of all of these either.....
What do you find yourself doing when unemployed (or just massively bored/unmotivated)?
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: funny, life, unemployed
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"Bad" Day
Things that are making me Happy
1. My wonderfully supportive and patient BF who is graciously dealing with the emotional roller coaster that is my job/career search.
2. I reached the goal weight I set for myself a year and a half ago. That was two days ago...might not still be the case. But at least I reached it!
3. My kitties. Their cuteness never ceases to amaze me.
4. Pretty new music I found.
5. Great friends & family.
6. My abs are sore!
Things that are making me Sad
1. A friend is not speaking to me....again.
2. I don't have a job or even any exciting prospects.
3. I can't run for a few more weeks.
The most frustrating thing about that list is the number of positives vs negatives. Clearly, even on a "bad" day, there are more good things floating around. But, try as I might, pushing the job sitch out of my head is getting harder every day.
So, tomorrow I will apply for the gazillion jobs that sound somewhat appealing and fit my skills. Hopefully that will settle my nerves for a while.
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 1:07 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Dress to Match a Necklace
So, I wore this necklace last weekend with an adorable gray dress.
And it struck me after looking at the photos that I had been seeing that pink color all over the place with bright navy colors. So, now I am on the hunt for the perfect navy dress to match the necklace.
Here's one I like a lot so far from VS:
Now I'm wondering if I'm nuts for wanting to buy a dress to match an accessory. Seems backwards a bit...no?
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: fashion
Journey to Debt - Part 3 - Leading to the Now
(You can catch up here -> Part 1 - Student Live, Part-2 - Post Graduation)
Finally, in late 2008, the fruit of my attempts began to show. I had paid off all my store cards, paid off my lasik surgery bill, paid off my smallest major CC balance, and was only $3,000 from paying off the next card so I could tackle the largest one. And then, as soon as I started to breath a sigh of relief, I got laid off.
The amazing thing is, since October, my credit card balance has remained steady, my car and student loan balances have gone down, and I have a (very small) emergency fund (thank you severance)! My (seemingly) worst financial crisis turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to my finances. The minute we got laid off it all snapped into place. All those worries about finances and priorities just aligned. I suddenly understood the difference between "need" and "want". I realized my 30 pairs of shoes and multitude of dresses and skirts did nothing for me beyond the fleeting moment of excitement of wearing them for the first time.
There were still hard moments leading to the here and now. Making it through the holidays without touching my credit cards was by far the most difficult part. I, like my mom, have always been a very generous gift giver. I value and adore my family and friends, and I want them to know it! This made buying Christmas gifts on a budget very emotionally trying for me. In the end, I probably spent more than necessary, but at least I didn't touch my cards or my severance. That was a huge step for me.
Since the Holidays I've limited shopping to needs only. I've made it a point to not touch my remaining severance EVEN for bills. I have been paying for bills and groceries with my unemployment insurance (BF pays for rent) and I have only purchased 2 "cute" items (an adorable purse that was only $13 and dress for $16 both on major clearance).
The best moment came last week. I had an interview at a pretty cool company. Given that I have dropped 2 complete dress sizes since my last job hunt, I needed a suite jacket. I had a pair of great pants but no blazer. So I popped into the mall on my way to the interview, picked up a jacket that perfectly matched my pants and a pair of shoes that didn't make me want to kill someone from blinding pain. The total cost came to $200.
Normally, that sudden but needed expense, would have sent me into a worry induced migraine. But it didn't. I left my local mall with only what I needed in hand and with no anxiety about overdrafts or interest rates. It was amazing. After just three weeks of NOT shopping and NOT submitting to my wants and NOT putting myself in tempting situations and paying my bills FIRST I had learned (sort of) to manage my money.
I get it now; finally, 3.5 years after entering the "real world" I get it. I'm glad I did not get a job sooner because I believe I would have just continued my selfish spending habits. I'm ready to find a job now, a job I like, not just need. And I am confident that within 12 months of getting said job, I will be free of credit card debt, almost free of student and car loan debts, have a less-tiny emergency fund, and will be helping BF save for our wedding (and maybe rent, he'd love that!).
I know the challenges are far from over, but I finally feel I am appropriately armed to take them on. I plan to add a Part 4 to this series in 2010 telling you I made it out!
*Note: This is the final "official" part, but I'm sure there will be more on this is the future of LFMM :-)
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 10:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: finance, Journey to Debt, life
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Journey to Debt - Part 2 - Post Graduation
(You can catch up here -> Part 1 - Student Live)
I graduated with a mere $1,000 of credit card debt and about $12,000 in student loans. All in all, I did pretty well. I had landed an internship my senior year that turned into a well paying full time position upon graduation. I moved in with BF and we split some bills but he took the brunt of them while I was "paying off my loans."
This takes us to right before things got COMPLETELY out of hand. I look back at the years above and just want to go back and scream at myself! Throughout those years I felt pinched for cash. I allowed myself every luxury (by college student standards) but when it came to bills, books, rent, gas - I was always at a loss. That should have sent off sirens, alarms, bells; I should have WOKEN UP. But, I didn't.
Three months after I graduated with a BS in Accounting (yes, I know, kinda ironic) BF received a career breaking job offer in California. It was a dream! So we moved and realized that dreams don't come easy.
I spent the first year in a pretty depressed state. In addition to the relationship pressures of my graduation and us moving in together, add to that moving clear across the country with absolutely NO network except on high school friend of BF. This was the rockiest time in our relationship and, to date, our lives.
When I finally snapped out of my depression, got a job at a fun young company, and made some friends, I was stunned. In my state of depression I had racked up a whopping $20,000 in credit card debt, purchased a new used car for another $17,000 after taxes and interest, and had BF fully furnish the apartment, with furniture we ended up hating, to fill the empty space. It was a rude awakening to say the least.
Since then I have struggled to pay down my debt. Between BFF's weddings, trips home, Christmases, birthdays, socializing, etc - it was hard. Every time I made headway, something came up and brought me back to my starting point.
I look back now and realize I wasn't really into the debt reduction. I was letting debt control me instead of taking control of it.
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 10:34 AM 2 comments
Labels: finance, Journey to Debt, life
Friday, February 6, 2009
Meme meeee
Fabulously Broke in the City posted this earlier and I always love an excuse to not leave my computer when I should!
Rules: Go through the list and highlight what applies to you. Here goes:
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars -- With a boy (innocently!) in Poland when I was an itty bitty teen and got into a good deal of trouble for it with my Grandma after!
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland - When I was 7, but sadly, I have a horrible memory and don't remember much at all.
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis - my college bf and I found a pregnant one outside his window and nursed it to birth. They're pretty cute!
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch - knitting, i did have some help from a BFF, does that count?
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight - have 'em with BF all the time
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill --- C'mon! Who hasn't?!?
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping <---i totally want to
27. Run a Marathon -- do three halfs count??
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse -- We went outside to see one when I was in grade school
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise - day cruises count right?
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language - learning my 3rd (4th if you include English) now
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance - when I was like 2 I think.
47. Had your portrait painted - the carnival caricature thingys count right?!?
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies - and now I buy them from my nieces
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job -- got laid off in October?
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London.
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating -- FB said "Does fish count?" and I ditto.
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cellphone
99. Been stung by a bee -- At LEAST FOUR times...and I am becoming progressively more allergic!
100. Read an entire book in one day
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Boots! I want these boots!
On the heels of my debt journey divulging post...
I found these boots this morning on Think Classy and I think I am withering away by the minute here trying to figure out how to justify spending $350 on a pair of boots that are EVERYTHING I want in brown boots....
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 11:21 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Journey to Debt - Part I - Student Life
As a child, money was never a topic of discussion in my household. When I was a teenager, my parents split and it was my mom, lil' sis, and me. My mom had a job that paid the bills and, seemingly, allowed for a fashionable and fun lifestyle. In reality she was up to her eyeballs in debt and was choosing to ignore it.
My mom would always say that we were low on money then turn around and blow $500+ in a weekend shopping for lil' sis and me. And this was a pretty regular occurrence. As I got older I started to understand a LITTLE bit more.
I started my first job at 16 and made roughly $100 per week. Since I had never really handled more than about $20 at a time, I was THRILLED. This meant I could go shopping and buy what I wanted when I wanted! So I did. At the time I didn't know much about high fashion and designers so the $100/week pretty much allowed me enough freedom to buy just about anything I wanted.
As I got close to college I learned a little bit more. I learned that I should never get into credit card debt, but having a credit card is important to "build credit" (didn't quite know what that meant yet). So, I went off to college with my credit card in hand. I barely used it, and when I, did I paid it almost in full each time, keeping just a small balance to "build credit". I worked a couple small jobs on campus, had a pretty decent financial aide package (including loans), and received financial support from my mom.
In my first year of college I accumulated close to $10,000 in student loan debt (that school actually cost $30,000/year, so I made out ok). I knew that wasn't good so I transfered schools. I ended up at a respected state university, a bit farther from home, with my tuition completely covered and a federal loan for other living costs. My mom bought me a used car, paid in full (by her home equity line of credit, ugh), and sent me on my way.
I used my biannual loan disbursments to buy books and go shopping. Sometimes the money went to my pay off my credit card, sometimes it went to rent and bills, but I never saved. I believed that as long as I kept my credit card balance under contol, I was golden. And with the financial support from my mom, I didn't really think twice. I knew she was in credit card debt and was proud of me for keeping my balance under control. That had to mean I was on the right track.
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: finance, Journey to Debt, life
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Frosted Mini Wheats
I have a dilemma with Frosted Mini-Wheat cereals. Most flavors are so tasty and filling. They're a great balance for my sweet tooth and healthy habits.
They cost as much as a regular box of cereal, but, because they are so bulky, there are only half as many servings per box (at best).
So, now I'm torn. As yummy as the blueberry flavored ones are (that I finished today), do I really want to buy more?
I could just go out and buy MultiGrain Cheerios or a nice granola mix which are just as healthy (if not more) and will last twice as long (if I adhere to serving suggestions). But the Blueberry Muffin Frosted Mini-Wheats were just so goooooooooooood.
Or, maybe, I should hold off to decide until all the household cereal is out....
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Bits of Joy
I was immensely happy today, for no particular reason. I thought I'd share some of the things that made me smile today!
1. My kitties giving me loads of hugs all day and this adorable post that is just like them:
2. I only paid $13.95 to get my taxes done start to finish on TaxACT. I compared the final numbers with what TurboTax or TaxCut would have given and they were exactly the same. Who doesn't love saving $35?!?
3. The BF graciously helped me with some homework and sent me some good references for future help. I know it's silly, but I always feel like a million bucks when he thinks of me for the little things through out the day :-)
4. I caught myself singing out loud everything I thought all morning ... and that really made me happy!
5. This story that was just on Consumerist and this one that I found in SSG's blogroll because they were just HIGH-larious.
6. Two friends and former colleagues sent me great job opportunities. It's great to know I'm remembered!
7. My baby sis sent me some pics of her an her pink hair and latest romantic fling. I so love seeing her happy.
8. My job interview (for my fall back career)was eye opening but good. Not sure if it was great, but it made me realize that I definitely want to stick with my career change and not panic and fall back just because times are a bit tough.
9. People are reading my blog! you guys are the best <3
10. Sunny California weather. *crossing fingers that the unseasonably warm weather lasts*
11. The stew I made yesterday was delish today!
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 1:16 AM 1 comments
Labels: life, love, motivation, thanks
Monday, February 2, 2009
Beautiful Fakeness
This post drives me nuts. Okay, not the article itself, but the subject matter and how it manifests in my life. (I think the article is pretty great and I should probably print and post it right between my two computer monitors.)
In the last 15 months I have completely revamped my body. By all "normal" standards I look and feel pretty good. I am able to run 13 miles without collapsing, I can comfortably wear a size 4 in most brands and I can (sometimes) confidently wear a bikini where appropriate. I should feel proud of myself, and most of the time I do (except PMS days).
But then, at least weekly, I will look at a magazine or watch a TV show and I find myself wondering how much more weight I would need to lose to look like that! I'm a smart girl; I know that those actresses and models are touched up and caked with layers of makeup. But I can't help it, I still compare myself to them on occasion. These moments are rather rare in comparison to my "before" days, but on some rough days all I can do is scarf down chocolate cake and stare at the women I will never be .. and it still hurts, still makes me feel inadequate, and still makes BF want to throw all my magazines and the TV out the window.
And who can blame him! He's smart enough to know those women aren't real, or if they are, they aren't healthy. Why shouldn't I know that? I spent 15 months revamping my life only to fall back into these moments of self loathing. It's ridiculous. And even more ridiculous, is the magazines. Every magazine I read preaches "love yourself" "be healthy" "don't diet, get fit" etc etc. But yet, they airbrush the models accompanying those messages to be thinner and more "flawless" than they already are. Why the all this pain causing hypocrisy?
I have to say though, after exploring the links that Elizabeth provided about touch ups, I don't feel quite so inadequate.
PS. this also makes me wonder if the "fat" celebrity photos are touched up to make them look worse than they actually might.
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 10:50 PM 0 comments
5 Things I Learned From This Last Race
Nothing better than a crisp and sunny morning and a warm cup of coffee to accompany my race reflection! Mmmmm.....
1. My amazing BF will forever say things like this: (conversation takes place 3 hours into our 6 hour car ride to the hotel)
Me: Have some water.
BF: I had like 10 bottles yesterday!
Me: That doesn't carry over into today you know?
BF: I'll be fine, I don't want to be stopping for the bathroom every 20 mins.
Me: Okay, well let me know when you want some water.
BF: Okay, but only if you stop nagging me about it *big proud smile knowing he shocked me*
Me: *with a joking glare* Come on! I don't nag! You're always telling me about you buddies' annoying gfs and wives and how I'm all not like that!!!
BF: You're right. *thinks for a little bit* Well, you know dear, it's like - just because I have a really nice car already doesn't mean I can't want a nicer onnne uh.....
BF: Uhhhhhhh, wait, no, that's not what I meant!

3. Staying in the hotel right on the Start Line is worth the extra $80 or so. Otherwise, BF spends 2 hours driving the 3 miles to and from the start line trying to find parking - which has the potential to make him cranky.
4. Being slightly under prepared for a race will help you run your best time because your body feel great while running, but...
5. Being slightly under prepared for a race will make you more sore than you've ever been in you life the next day. *whimper while shifting in chair*
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 8:55 AM 1 comments
Labels: life
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Running & Twitter
I ran my 3rd half marathon today! It was a great run, perfect weather, course right along the ocean, breathtaking. I also set a personal record. I finished the 13.1 miles in 2:12:04. I ran an average 10:05 mile! That is a
35 15 second per mile improvement over my previous best. Let me tell you, I was quite shocked!
On the down side: my knees are incredibly stiff and sore right now. That's okay though; nothing a couple days of ibuprofen overdoses and ice packs won't cure ;-)
And also, I finally got myself up and running on twitter so come follow me...
** Update: Apparently My first Race was run at a 10:19 min mile pace finishing in 2:15:40. I have a bad memory!!! Still made my best time with this last race so the pride sticks ;)
Posted by Love, Fitness, Money, More at 10:43 PM 1 comments