Things that are making me Happy
1. My wonderfully supportive and patient BF who is graciously dealing with the emotional roller coaster that is my job/career search.
2. I reached the goal weight I set for myself a year and a half ago. That was two days ago...might not still be the case. But at least I reached it!
3. My kitties. Their cuteness never ceases to amaze me.
4. Pretty new music I found.
5. Great friends & family.
6. My abs are sore!
Things that are making me Sad
1. A friend is not speaking to me....again.
2. I don't have a job or even any exciting prospects.
3. I can't run for a few more weeks.
The most frustrating thing about that list is the number of positives vs negatives. Clearly, even on a "bad" day, there are more good things floating around. But, try as I might, pushing the job sitch out of my head is getting harder every day.
So, tomorrow I will apply for the gazillion jobs that sound somewhat appealing and fit my skills. Hopefully that will settle my nerves for a while.
Easy Peasy
53 minutes ago
Oooh... I've been out of work before, it blows. But there's always going to be SOME PLACE that will hire you... try not to panic too much.
Thanks! Yeah, I'm trying to stay calm. Some days are just nuts!
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