Marc and Angel Hack Life is one of my favorite and most inspiring blogs. A while back they had a post on 20 questions to ask yourself every Sunday. Going to give this a try weekly (hopefully at some point on Sundays)!
Here is week 2 (even later this time! whoops!)
1. What did I learn last week?
Taking a few minutes to check your work saves TONS and TONS of time and stress. I didn't make any mistakes last week but that was because I checked my work like a paranoid fiend. I was scared into doing so by coworkers' warnings and stories about my direct supervisor! She's super nice, but apparently does not take kindly to dumb little mistakes; perfectly understandable.
2. What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week?
This is a hard one to think of. I guess going back to work in general and getting through the week with minimal stress. I think i was actually happier than I've been in months this week, despite the exhaustion of adjustment.
3. Which moment from last week was the most memorable and why?
Damn, this is hard. UMMMMMM - I suppose getting obviously hit on and checked out by a new coworker. It was harmless,amusing, and memorable for sure.
4. What’s the #1 thing I need to accomplish this week?
Training and Nutrition boot camp is in order for me this week. Obviously, work will still come first as far as time line but my goal is to get my butt to the gym as my training calendar dictates, no matter how late or early I may leave the office each day. This will be difficult since I've been letting myself relax over the last month or so , especially the last 3 days which were full of shopping, eating, and TV time.
5. What can I do right now to make the week less stressful?
Get some Green tea? Well I am at work, so just writing this post is helping to remind me that I am accountable to my internet audience for my goals. I really wish I would get some work though...ah the joys of being brand new.
6. What have I struggled with in the past that might also affect the upcoming week?
Getting to sleep on time and CRAVINGS!! Both have hindered my health and mood throughout most of my adolescent ant adult life. I feel my sleeping is adjusting well and BF helps a whole lot since he leaves for work even earlier than I do. But the cravings will be a challenge; especially since I let myself binge this weekend.
7. What was last week’s biggest time sink?
During the week I actually did well. It was easy since all I had time to do was wake up, have coffee & breakfast, get ready, go to work, go to the gym, come home, clean myself up, and pass out from shear exhaustion. But then, Friday hit and T.V. time with the honey was upon me and, instead of balancing it with healthy food and gym time, I let it envelope me...all. weekend. Except for some shopping, TV and Food time was all I did while neglecting my to do list. Must learn to balance coming this Friday!!
8. Am I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped?
Ebay stuff must go, it's starting to clutter the apartment which always adds a bit of extra stress. But on the positive side, this is all new (for ebay) stuff due to our last couple weeks of purging our home of unneeded everything.
9. What have I been avoiding that needs to get done?
BUDGET Updates, Ebay, some Financial Aide help for the little sister, this blog (out of laziness only), and grooming my kitties. All this can be started and completed (except ebay) tonight post gym!!
10. What opportunities are still on the table?
The opportunity to show my new employers that I am a rock star. Must not let shyness and insecurity get in the way!!
11. Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to?
Gotta call the mama. Everyone else I think I've covered via email last week. It felt good to reach out and stop feeling guilty for my lack of communication.
12. Is there anyone that deserves a big ‘Thank You’?
Oh, so many many people. This week I will mentally thank the person who got me running, working out, and eating right. He and I have a very dysfunctional acquaintanceship, so in person thank yous are simply not an option in this case. But despite his "messed-uped-ness", he got me moving; and for that I will always be grateful.
13. How can I help someone else this coming week?
I will be there for the friend that is going through a painful breakup, I'll make myself open and available to everyone at work, and I will encourage BF to eat healthily and workout so he can reach his fitness goals.
14. What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years?
#1 Get out of Debt. #2 LOVE the healthy lifestyle. #3 Keep our relationship new and loving.
15. Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goals?
Yes, I recently consolidated most of my credit card debt into a "0% for one year" offer and the rest is my #1 priority on the pay off list. However, that said, this past week was not a success in terms of budgeting and cutting spending. I will make it a point to devote some attention and energy to that this week.
16. What’s the next step for each goal?
#1 Update my budget to close out April and Start off May. #2 Get excited about training and remember all the nastiness in processed foods. #3 Tell and show BF how much I adore him daily (this one is pretty easy <3)
17. What am I looking forward to during the upcoming week?
TV time with BF. But, in moderation this time ;-)
18. What are my fears?
Fear of failure - at work, at training, at eating healthily, at loving BF and Fear of losing BF. The last one has really been bugging me lately. I (we) have been so immensely happy in our relationship lately that sometimes I get momentarily paralyzed with fear at the thought of losing him in an accident or some such nonsense.
19. What am I most grateful for?
My Family and my BF. Without them I would be a miserable wreck. I love them all so very very much :-)
20. If I knew I only had one week to live, who would I spend my time with?
It would be a hard sell between BF and the Mom and Sis. Ideally I would hole myself up in a house with all three. Actually, ideally this will never happen!
Easy Peasy
50 minutes ago